The Theatre School > Admission > Undergraduate Admission

Undergraduate Admission

​​​​​The Theatre School community consists of artists from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. We admit a diverse population of students and encourage applicants inclusive of all gender and sexual identities and expressions, including their intersection with racial and ethnic identities, as well as the multiplicity of identities in our ever-evolving society. For more information about our ongoing work in diversity and inclusion, read our diversity action statement.

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Application Deadlines & Timeline

All applicants to The Theatre School, including transfer students, follow the same admissions deadlines and timeline; all new students begin in the fall term. If you are considering transferring into The Theatre School, either from a non-theatre program at DePaul University or from a different university, be sure to read our Transfer Student FAQ.

Early August
Application opens
December 1 (at midnight on 12/1)
Prescreen/Application Deadline (Acting and Stage Management only)
Applications close for BFA Acting and BFA Stage Management. Stage managers must have a completed application by this date. Actors must have their photograph and prescreen video submitted by this date, but all other application materials can be submitted by February 1.
February 1
Application Deadline (all other majors)
Applications close for all remaining Theatre School majors. All application materials must be received by this date.
Admissions decisions, Theatre School Scholarships and need-based financial aid awards released 
May 1
Deadline to respond to offer of admission

Audition & Interview Dates

Application Process

Step 1: Submit The Common Application or DePaul's Transfer Application

Begin by submitting an application and specifying your intended major as a Theatre School program. You cannot apply undecided to The Theatre School and cannot submit more than one application at a time to DePaul University. Within 24 hours of applying, you will receive a confirmation email and access to the Blue Demon Domain - your personalized application status portal. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure their application materials are received by the deadline.

Start Your ApplicationBlue Demon Domain

Step 2: Audition or Interview

The BFA Acting major requires an audition; all other Theatre School majors require an interview. Click on your intended major below to learn more about the audition or interview process, as well as what major-specific application materials you will need to submit prior to registering:

The audition for the BFA Acting program happens in two steps: a video prescreen and a live callback audition.

Applicants to the BFA Acting program will need to submit their $65 audition fee, photograph, and prescreen video (as a single video file) through the Blue Demon Domain by December 1 in order to be considered for a callback audition. Callback decisions are communicated by email, typically within two weeks of an applicant submitting their prescreen materials. If you are invited to a callback audition, you will be emailed a link to the callback registration page and prompted to register for a date/time. Callback auditions typically take place in January and February. 

For more information about the video prescreen requirements and what you can expect at the callback audition, click here. For information about when and where callback auditions are happening this year, click here.

Before you can register for an interview for the BFA Comedy Arts program, you will need to submit the following materials through the Blue Demon Domain:

  • $65 Interview Fee
  • Resume
  • Writing Sample (two parts: share something that made you laugh this week and either an original example of comedic writing or analysis)
  • Comedic Performance Video (3-5 minutes of original content that makes the audience laugh and think about something that is important to you)

For more information about these items and what to expect at the interview, click here. Interviews typically occur between December and early February, and we encourage you to apply and submit the above materials early in order to have the widest range of dates, times, and locations available to you. To learn more about this year's interviews or to register, visit our audition/interview page.

Before you can register for an interview for the BFA Costume Design program, you will need to submit the following materials through the Blue Demon Domain:

  • $65 Interview Fee
  • Resume
  • Costume Design Portfolio

For more information about these items and what to expect at the interview, click here. Interviews typically occur between December and early February, and we encourage you to apply and submit the above materials early in order to have the widest range of dates, times, and locations available to you. To learn more about this year's interviews or to register, visit our audition/interview page.

Before you can register for an interview for the BFA Costume Technology program, you will need to submit the following materials through the Blue Demon Domain:

  • $65 Interview Fee
  • Resume
  • Costume Technology Portfolio

For more information about these items and what to expect at the interview, click here. Interviews typically occur between December and early February, and we encourage you to apply and submit the above materials early in order to have the widest range of dates, times, and locations available to you. To learn more about this year's interviews or to register, visit our audition/interview page.

Before you can register for an interview for the BFA Dramaturgy/Criticism program, you will need to submit the following materials through the Blue Demon Domain:

  • $65 Interview Fee
  • Resume
  • Writing Sample (two parts: dramatic critique & mission statement)

For more information about these items and what to expect at the interview, click here. Interviews typically occur between December and early February, and we encourage you to apply and submit the above materials early in order to have the widest range of dates, times, and locations available to you. To learn more about this year's interviews or to register, visit our audition/interview page.

Before you can register for an interview for the BFA Lighting Design program, you will need to submit the following materials through the Blue Demon Domain:

  • $65 Interview Fee
  • Resume
  • Lighting Design Portfolio

For more information about these items and what to expect at the interview, click here. Interviews typically occur between December and early February, and we encourage you to apply and submit the above materials early in order to have the widest range of dates, times, and locations available to you. To learn more about this year's interviews or to register, visit our audition/interview page.

Before you can register for an interview for the BFA Projection Design program, you will need to submit the following materials through the Blue Demon Domain:

  • $65 Interview Fee
  • Resume
  • Projection Design Portfolio

For more information about these items and what to expect at the interview, click here. Interviews typically occur between December and early February, and we encourage you to apply and submit the above materials early in order to have the widest range of dates, times, and locations available to you. To learn more about this year's interviews or to register, visit our audition/interview page.

Before you can register for an interview for the BFA Playwriting program, you will need to submit the following materials through the Blue Demon Domain:

  • $65 Interview Fee
  • Resume
  • Writing Sample (creative writing)

For more information about these items and what to expect at the interview, click here. Interviews typically occur between December and early February, and we encourage you to apply and submit the above materials early in order to have the widest range of dates, times, and locations available to you. To learn more about this year's interviews or to register, visit our audition/interview page.

Before you can register for an interview for the BFA Scene Design program, you will need to submit the following materials through the Blue Demon Domain:

  • $65 Interview Fee
  • Resume
  • Scene Design Portfolio

For more information about these items and what to expect at the interview, click here. Interviews typically occur between December and early February, and we encourage you to apply and submit the above materials early in order to have the widest range of dates, times, and locations available to you. To learn more about this year's interviews or to register, visit our audition/interview page.

Before you can register for an interview for the BFA Sound Design program, you will need to submit the following materials through the Blue Demon Domain:

  • $65 Interview Fee
  • Resume
  • Sound Design Portfolio

For more information about these items and what to expect at the interview, click here. Interviews typically occur between December and early February, and we encourage you to apply and submit the above materials early in order to have the widest range of dates, times, and locations available to you. To learn more about this year's interviews or to register, visit our audition/interview page.

Applicants to the BFA Stage Management program must pass a prescreen before being able to register for an interview.

In order to be prescreened and considered for an interview, applicants must have a completed application (all application materials received by the admissions office) by December 1. All prescreen decisions are sent out via email (typically by mid-December) and applicants that pass the prescreen will be prompted to register for an interview date/time through that notification email. The interview is the final step in the Stage Management application and required in order to be considered for admission to the program.

In order to have a complete application by December 1, you will need to submit the following materials:

Stage Management Specific Materials:

  • $65 Interview Fee
  • Resume
  • Writing Sample (One page essay answering these two questions: What are the skills and qualities of a successful stage manager?  What is it about managing that you most enjoy?)
  • Stage Management Portfolio

Additional Application Materials:

  • Official School Transcript(s)
  • Two Letters of Recommendation
  • SAT or ACT Scores (optional for most applicants, but required of homeschooled applicants)
  • English Proficiency Exam Scores (required of most international applicants)

For more information about the stage management specific materials and what to expect for the prescreen and interview, click here. To view more information about the additional application materials listed, scroll down to the bottom of this webpage.

Before you can register for an interview for the BFA Theatre Arts program, you will need to submit the following materials through the Blue Demon Domain:

  • $65 Interview Fee
  • Resume
  • Writing Sample (respond to one of the following prompts)

1)    Describe the theater of the future.

2)    Choose a play you love and describe your ideal production of it.

3)    Write a review of a play or performance that doesn’t (yet) exist.

4)    You have to choose a play or a performance to put in a time capsule that will be opened in 100 years. What do you choose? Why this one?

For more information about these items and what to expect at the interview, click here. Interviews typically occur between December and early February, and we encourage you to apply and submit the above materials early in order to have the widest range of dates, times, and locations available to you. To learn more about this year's interviews or to register, visit our audition/interview page.

Before you can register for an interview for the BFA Theatre Management program, you will need to submit the following materials through the Blue Demon Domain:

  • $65 Interview Fee
  • Resume
  • Writing Sample

For more information about these items and what to expect at the interview, click here. Interviews typically occur between December and early February, and we encourage you to apply and submit the above materials early in order to have the widest range of dates, times, and locations available to you. To learn more about this year's interviews or to register, visit our audition/interview page.

Before you can register for an interview for the BFA Theatre Technology program, you will need to submit the following materials through the Blue Demon Domain:

  • $65 Interview Fee
  • Resume
  • Theatre Technology Portfolio

For more information about these items and what to expect at the interview, click here. Interviews typically occur between December and early February, and we encourage you to apply and submit the above materials early in order to have the widest range of dates, times, and locations available to you. To learn more about this year's interviews or to register, visit our audition/interview page.

Before you can register for an interview for the BFA Wig and Makeup Design & Technology program, you will need to submit the following materials through the Blue Demon Domain:

  • $65 Interview Fee
  • Resume
  • Wig and Makeup Design & Technology Portfolio

For more information about these items and what to expect at the interview, click here. Interviews typically occur between December and early February, and we encourage you to apply and submit the above materials early in order to have the widest range of dates, times, and locations available to you. To learn more about this year's interviews or to register, visit our audition/interview page.

Step 3: Submit Additional Application Materials

Although the audition or interview (and its associated materials) is the most important part of the admissions process for The Theatre School, there are a couple other materials you will need to submit in order to complete your application:

Please request an official copy of your high school transcript be sent to The Theatre School Admissions Office. (Transcripts are not considered official if sent to us by the applicant.) If you have taken college credit courses you wish to have considered for transfer credit, please have your official college transcripts sent to us as well. We strongly prefer to receive electronic/emailed transcripts (sent to over mailed copies. Mailed copies should be sent to this address: "Theatre Admissions Office, 2350 N. Racine Avenue, Chicago IL 60614".

Transfer students who have completed over 30 college credits or who are 24 years or older are not required to include high school transcripts alongside their college transcripts unless requested.

For international applicants: If your official transcript is in a language other than English, you will also need to submit a word-for-word English translation of all pages.

BFA Acting applicants must submit one letter of recommendation; all other majors must submit two letters of recommendation.

Letters must come from the person writing it and should not be sent to us by the applicant. Request your letter(s) of recommendation from individuals who are familiar with your desire to attend The Theatre School such as a teacher, director, or employer. They should not be family members or personal friends. There is no specific form required for the letter of recommendation.

Although we prefer electronic copies (via Common App or emailed to we can also receive hard-copies if your recommender must mail their letter. (Mailed letters of recommendation should be addressed to "Theatre Admissions Office, 2350 N. Racine Avenue, Chicago, IL 60614").

A photograph is used for identification purposes and does not need to be an official headshot. This will be uploaded by the applicant through the Blue Demon Domain.

Almost all applicants can choose to apply with or without ACT or SAT scores; homeschooled applicants must submit SAT or ACT scores. If you choose to submit your test scores and they are not already included on your high school transcript, request the testing agency forward a score report to DePaul. Our college code number for ACT is 1012 and for SAT is 1165. Learn more about applying test optional.

Students educated outside the U.S. for secondary school (high school) are required to submit an exam score that meets our English proficiency requirement. Applicants can demonstrate proof of English proficiency by submitting one of the exams listed on this page. DePaul University does not have a preference as to which exam you choose to take; choose whichever is most accessible to you and allows you to submit official scores to us by the application deadline.

Want to learn more about applying, auditions/interviews, or what it's like to be a student at The Theatre School? Check out our admission "frequently asked questions" page and chat with current students! If you have questions about or need help with your application, please contact the Theatre School Admissions Office at (773) 325-7999 or