The Theatre School > Admission > Auditions & Interviews

Auditions & Interviews

​Auditions and interviews for fall 2025 have concluded.  Applications for fall 2026 will open in August.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​An audition or an interview (depending on your program) is required for admission to The Theatre School; students must submit an ap​​​plication to DePaul University (naming their intended major) before they can begin the audition or interview process. Registration is done online on a first come, first served basis and typically closes one week before the audition or interview is scheduled to take place. We encourage you to apply early in order to have the widest range of dates and times available to you. Do you have questions about what you'll need or what to expect? Visit our audition/interview F​​​AQ!


Undergraduate (BFA) Applicants

BFA Theatre Studies & Design/Tech Interviews

Interviews are required for all BFA programs other than BFA Acting. Interviews take place from November through mid-February. Applicants must log into the interview registration page to see the specific dates/times available for their major. Interviews take place in-person (Chicago) or virtually (Zoom); you must submit an application and program specific application materials prior to registering for an interview.

1. Submit your application to DePaul University. Within about 24 hours, you will receive access to the Blue Demon Domain.

2. Upload your major-specific application materials and the interview fee to the Blue Demon Domain. You cannot register for an interview if these items are missing. (Stage Management applicants have additional requirements and must pass a prescreen.) For more information about application materials, please visit our undergraduate admissions page.

3. Log in to our interview registration page and select a date/time for your interview.

BFA Acting Prescreen and Callback Audition

The audition process for the BFA Acting program is done in two steps: a video prescreen and a live, group callback. Prescreens are due by December 1 and callback audition sessions occur in January and February. Callback auditions are offered in-person (Chicago, New York and Los Angeles) or virtually (Zoom); you must pass the video prescreen prior to registering for a callback audition.​​​​  

1. Submit an online application to DePaul University, selecting BFA Acting as your intended major. This is due by December 1; it typically takes 24 hours for your application to reach us and for you to gain access to The Blue Demon Domain for step 2. Please plan accordingly.

2. Upload your audition fee, photograph, and prescreen video to the Blue Demon Domain. These items are due December 1.

3. It takes about two weeks for us to review your prescreen materials and notify you by email of your callback decision. If you have passed the prescreen, you will be emailed a link to the callback registration page. Select whichever date/time works best for you and we'll see you at your callback!

For more detailed information about the prescreen and callback, including what to prepare and what to expect, please click here.


Graduate (MFA) Applicants

MFA Acting Prescreen & Callback Audition

A​pplicants must submit their prescreen by December 15. Applicants who pass the prescreen are provided with a link to the MFA callback registration page and asked to register for a callback audition. Callback auditions typically take place in January and early February and are offered in both in-person (Chicago and New York) and virtual (Zoom) formats. For more information about what your prescreen must include and what to expect at the callback audition, please visit our MFA Acting audition page.