The Theatre School > Conservatory > Certificate Programs > Intimacy Professionals for Theatre & Cinema Certification

Intimacy Professionals for Theatre & Cinema Certification

​The Intimacy Professionals for Theater & Cinema (IPTC) program trains and certifies Intimacy Directors and Coordinators (ID’s and IC’s) to work in theater, film, and television.

Courses will include tools for best practices in onset-based rehearsals, impactful and repeatable choreographic techniques, text analysis, collaboration, self-reflection on implicit bias and power dynamics, social awareness, cultural competency, effective communication, bystander intervention and de-escalation, mental health first aid, and more.

Actors on stage presenting a scene of physical intimacy.

Foundations in Intimacy Direction/Coordination

The following non-credit bearing courses are for those seeking professional development or fulfilling the prerequisites for Intimacy Professionals for Theatre & Cinema (IPTC) Certification. 

The foundation courses are open to students and educators including all professions working in close proximity to others: health care professionals, first responders, therapists, social workers, managers, executives, and entrepreneurs. A certificate of completion will be awarded upon conclusion of the course. Students must be 18 years of age or older. This is a prerequisite for the IPTC program

Topics Include: 

  • Foundations in Consent and Care: Part One
  • Unpack Your Crap: Part One
  • Cultural Awareness and Competency: Part One

Courses Begin Monday, August 19 - Thursday, August 22

Register Here


Building intimate connections with consent and care.

Professional Development Training in Intimacy Direction/Coordination - Coming soon! 

This 24-credit certification is open to graduate-level students who wish to further their training experiences and advance their career as an intimacy professional. This program will provide the skills and credentials needed to navigate the dynamics of intimacy in performance.

Topics Include: 

  • Introduction to Intimacy Direction/ Intimacy Coordination
  • Advanced Intimacy Direction/ Intimacy Coordination Skills
  • Application of Consent and Care: Part Two
  • Communication Skills for Intimacy Professionals
  • Theories of Power Dynamics for Intimacy Professionals

The IPTC is fully accredited through DePaul University.
Financial aid and scholarships are available for the IPTC program.

Actors kiss on stage 
Admissions for Intimacy Professionals for Theatre & Cinema Certification

Prerequisite for admission into the IPTC certification program is an undergraduate degree, 3-5 years of experience (preferred), along with completion of Foundation courses, as well as a statement of progress in the following areas:
  • Mental Health First Aid
  • Anti-racism/EDI training
  • Allyship and Advocacy
  • Gender identity and Sexual Orientation training
  • Anti-harassment/Anti-sexual harassment training
  • Mediation of Conflict Resolution training
  • Production in Intimacy Direction (The Theatre School Production) or Intimacy Coordination (School of Cinematic Arts Production)
  • Choreography Skills for Intimacy Directors/Intimacy Coordinators
  • Movement Foundations
  • Intimacy Direction/Intimacy Coordination Externship

Featured Faculty

Toranika is the Director of Intimacy Professionals for Theatre & Cinema (IPTC) program.