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Dance Minor

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Dance Minor
Students Dancing in a Modern Style

The Minor in Dance will benefit students going into professional acting, musical theatre, and opera theatre, as well as students pursuing non-artistic majors. The transferable skills of improved self-esteem, confidence, collaboration, creative and critical thinking, and the practice of positive motivating feedback can be applied to any field.

Comprised of 24 credit hours, required classes are Modern Dance I and II, Improvisation/Composition, Choreography for Performance, and Dance for Film, with electives African Dance and Music for Dance. Diversity in Dance: Paradigms Shifting fulfills the LSP 200 requirement.

Students will learn from experienced and award-winning faculty who are active professionals in this program that offers both traditional and unique courses.

Contact Lin Batsheva Kahn, Director of Dance Minor at for more information.

Dance Minor Requirements

Comprised of 24 credit hours, required classes are Modern Dance I/II, Improvisation/Composition, Choreography for Performance, Dance for Film, LSP 200 Diversity in Dance; Paradigms Shifting, and electives African Dance or Music for Dance.

  • ACT 301 - Modern Dance I - Beginning technique focuses on alignment, balance, falling, jumping, turning, and across combinations in the modern dance style to percussion accompaniment from the School of Music. Required
  • ACT 302 - Modern Dance II - (prerequisite Modern I or permission given) - Intermediate technique is a continuation of the movement experience in Modern Dance I, with more complex technical movements/combinations to percussion accompaniment from the School of Music. Required
  • PRF 303 - Improvisation/Composition - Exploration of creative spontaneous movement will lead into the principles of composition with shape, space, time and energy. Students will also study the mechanics of partnering. Required
  • PRF 304 - Choreography for Performance(prerequisite Improvisation/Composition) - Students will create/refine pieces for performance using the raw materials of shape, space, time, and energy, asymmetry and symmetry, minimalism, stillness, unison, juxtaposition. Class includes how to view dance and give motivating feedback with the four-step process from Critical Response Process by Liz Lerman. Required
  • PRF 305 - Dance for Film - Students learn to create solos, duets, and group pieces for film by selected students from Cinematic Arts, giving an opportunity to collaborate with another DePaul program while learning about filming effects that enhance choreographic themes. Required
  • LSP 200 - Diversity in Dance: Paradigms Shifting - Observation, discussion, and writing will result in replacing stereotyping and prejudice with appreciation and respect for race, gender, age, and other ability through the lens of dance. This section, taken by sophomores, juniors, or seniors. (If you have already taken your LSP 200, contact the Director of Dance.)
  • PRF 422 - African Dance - With live percussion accompaniment, this course introduces traditional social dance and rhythm of some of the ethnic groups of the ancient Mali Empire and integrates rhythm/music, voice and dance. Elective
  • MUS 270 - Music for Dance - A survey of music for dance, ranging from folk, Irish, through ballet, modern, contemporary, as well as line dancing and ice dancing taught by Dr. Brad Robin from the School of Music.Elective