The Theatre School > Conservatory > Graduate Conservatory > Acting > How to Apply

How to Apply

Due to the conservatory structure of the training, we admit new students only once a year and all new students begin together as a cohort in the fall. The deadline to submit your online application and required prescreen video is December 15. Callback auditions take place in January and February. 

The Theatre School admits a diverse acting pool and encourages applicants inclusive of all gender and sexual identities and expressions, including their intersection with racial and ethnic identities, as well as the multiplicity of identities in our ever-evolving society.   For more information on how The Theatre School strives for equity, diversity, and inclusion, read our diversity action statement.

Required Application Materials

The first step is to complete the online application. As part of this application, you will be asked to upload your photograph, resume and a one page personal statement describing your strong points, where you feel you need more development and exactly what it is you hope to get from this program and for what purpose(s).  The application fee ($75) is paid by credit or debit card when submitting the online application. There is no separate audition fee.

A photograph is required for identification purposes and will be uploaded as part of the online application. Any photograph is acceptable provided it looks like you. A professional headshot is not required.
Submit a resume listing your theatrical experience and/or any related experience (employment, internships, activities, etc.). You will upload your resume as part of the online application.
Please request an official copy of your college transcripts be sent to The Theatre School Admissions Office.  Official transcripts must be sent directly from the school's registrar either in electronic or hard copy format.  We strongly prefer to receive electronic/emailed transcripts (sent to over mailed copies.  Mailed copies should be in a sealed envelope and sent to:  The Theatre School, Attn: Theatre Admissions Office, 2350 North Racine Avenue, Chicago, IL  60614.
International students should visit our international admissions page for additional instructions about submitting transcripts, as international transcripts must be sent through an evaluation company. Many evaluation companies require official transcripts.

Request three letters of recommendation from individuals who are familiar with your desire to attend The Theatre School. You can electronically request a letter from a recommender through the online application by providing their information on the recommenders page, or you may simply have your recommender email their letter to

If you are a non-native English speaker who has not completed a bachelor's or master's degree in the United States, you will need to submit test scores from an English proficiency exam. Visit our international admission page for more information.

The Audition

An audition is required in order to be considered for admission to the MFA Acting program. Our audition takes place in two steps: a prescreen and a callback. Please visit the MFA audition page​ for more information about what you'll need to prepare and what to expect. For callback audition dates, please visit our auditions & interviews page​.

Application Status

To check the status of your application, log into your DePaul application portal or give The Theatre School Admissions Office a call at (773) 325-7999. While we prefer application materials to be sent to us by email ( we can accept mailed materials if sent to:

The Theatre School Admissions Office
2350 N. Racine Ave
Chicago, IL 60614-8422

Start Your Application Check Your Status: MFA Application Portal