The cast features Jacob Coggshall (SHAK-REE/The Pierce), Marisa Elizabeth (Alien 1), Marlee Feacher (Alternate), Soraya Gillis (Hilda), Martin Levy (Tammy), Gabriel Matthews (CHE-CHA), Luis Mora (Adam), Elizabeth Nungaray (Yolanda), Chloe Rodriques (Laura), Keimon Shook (Sean), Nicholas Tell (LU-PAY), Izzy Terrell (Alien 2), Ruby Vallejo (Gloria), and Tryumph Williams (Ms. Maebane).
The production team includes fight direction by Gaby Labotka, scenic design by Devin Walls, costume design by Juno Pacheco, wig and makeup design by Megan E. Pirtle, lighting design by Zachary C. Fonder, sound design by Florence Borowski, an original score composed by Anaïs Ortiz and Florence Borowski, projection design by Andres Fiz, technical direction by Sam Lancaster, dramaturgy by Laura Rodriguez Sierra and Artemis Westover, production stage management by Gabriella Suarez, and stage management by Alivia Arizaga.
Saturday, January 21 - Post-Show Discussion
Thursday, February 2 - ASL Interpreted Performance
Saturday, February 4 - ASL Interpreted Performance
Saturday, February 11 - Post-Show Discussion