The cast featured Douglas Sanders (Street Singer), David Weynand (J.J. Peachum), Mary Mulligan (Mrs. Peachum), Mark Rosenthal (Filch), Johanna E. McKay (Polly Peachum), Larry Yando (Macheath), LaVonda A. Elam (Jenny), Tom Pardoe (Kimbal/Constable), Jeff Still (Tiger Brown), Scott Hermes (Smith), Moon Hi Hanson (Beggar/Lucy), Michael McKune (Matt the Mint), Matthew J. Robison (Crook-fingered Jake), David Beron (Beggar/Robert the Saw), David Roth (Beggar/Dreary Walt), Wendy L. Williamson (Betty), Julie Ganey (Dolly), Deborah Schwartz (Beggar/Molly), Tina Gluschenko (Coaxer), and Stacy Limperis (Beggar/Toots).
The production team included scenic deisgn by Brian Traynor, costume design by Dennis Brozynski, lighting design by Andria L. Fiegel, technical direction by Frank Wukitsch, and production stage management by Thomas Tryon.