The cast features Georgia Berg (Rosalind), Isaac Correa (Oliver/Sylvius), Paul Danowski (Amiens/Hyman/First Lord/Le Beau), Danielle Ganz (Celia), Connor Green (Duke Fred/Duke Senior), Jamie Herb (Touchstone/Adam), Adam LeCompte (Orlando), Alex Patterson (Charles/Lord 2/Corin/William), Fiona Warburton (Phebe/Audry), and Savannah Youngblood (Jacques).
The production team includes voice coaching from Michelle Lopez-Rios, dramaturgy by Carlie Goodlett, scenic design by Trenton Jones, costume design by Lucy Elkin, lighting design by Brian Gallagher, sound design by Averi Paulsen, and stage management by Hannah Smith.
This production is presented with generous support from: