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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
by Roald Dahl & Richard George
based on the book by Roald Dahl
directed by Rachel Slavick
musical direction by Mark Elliott
October 02, 2000 - December 01, 2000
(312) 922 1999
LaCares Green, Meleah Veit, Brad Stevens, Maggie Fine, Brian Troyan, Jameela Aghili, Leemor Chaplin, Danielle Taddei, Josh Waters, Brian Swibel, LaTonya Davis, Julie Kline, Bridgette Shaw, Steve Haggard, Scott Jay, Matt Zeigler, Marisol Velez.
The production team includes scenic design by Elizabeth E. Schuch, costume design by Mary Ellen Park, lighting design by Jason A. Brown, and sound design by Barry Fungerburg.