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In The Blood
by Suzan-Lori Parks
directed by Nathan Singh
Hester la Negrita is a homeless single mother of five who dreams of finding beauty and love for her family despite her poverty-stricken life. As she struggles to defy the odds, she runs into a series of harsh and unexpected obstacles.
January 22, 2016 - January 31, 2016
Previews : 1/20 & 1/21
WED - SAT at 7:30 PM
SUN at 2 PM
In the Healy Theatre
(773) 325-7900
Samantha Newcomb (Hester La Negrita), Ayanna Bria Bakari (The Welfare Lady/Bully), Lily Rozenweig (Amiga Gringa/Beauty), Nosakhere Cash-O’Bannon (Chilli/Jabber), Jerome Beck (Reverend D./Baby), Sam Kotansky (The Doctor/Trouble). The production team includes fight direction by Nick Sandys, vocal coaching by Phil T. Timberlake, scenic design by Christina Hubbard, costume design by Madison Briedé, lighting design by Emmaleigh Pepe-Winshell, sound design by David Samba, dramaturgy by Madeline Kranz, and stage management by Caroline D’Angelo.
Accessibility Services and Interpreted Performances:
If you or your child require wheelchair accessible and/or companion seating, or have any other hearing or vision needs, please let us know when you reserve your tickets so that we can make sure you visit to our theatre is an excellent one. Discounted tickets are available for patrons with disabilities, and their guests.