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Saint Jone of the Stockyards
by Bertolt Brecht
directed by Betsy Hamilton
musical direction by original music by Mark Elliot
translated by Paul Schmidt
October 07, 2004 - October 16, 2004
(312) 922 1999
Ana Berry,
Stephanie M. Bryant,
Tawny Ellain Newsome,
Kaki Burns,
Katherine Gwyneth Williams,
Blair Robertson,
Callie Munson,
Nichole Green,
Thom Christensen,
Hanlon Smith-Dorsey,
Michael Blum,
John Lewis III,
Casey Campbell,
Stephen Mdar,
Luke Johanson,
Kevin Forster, and
Keith Daniel Gallagher.
The production team includes scenic design by Marianna Csaszar,
costume design by Lindsey Pate, lighting design by Julie Wilms, sound design by Ray Nardelli, stage management by Laura E. Scales.